In Santa Eulalia of the Rio municipality, Ibiza, Spain, placed in the central square of Isidord Macabich, there was projected a rehabilitation integral from the square, in which was included the design of a walkable fountain. The challenge was the integration of the water, the colour, inside a building design based on the Balearic culture, integrating details of the same one in the proper square. So that everything was coherent and the elements of the fountain were not producing a bad visual impact, beyond the water games, we worked together with the municipal technicians, as well as the architect. The result was the integration of a fountain walkable with 10 independent foamy jets illuminated by light fixtures Leds RGB 3 in 1, and with control of heights, which, through the choreographies designed and executed from a Notebook computer, produced an entertaining and reached spectacular results.
Goal was achieved as pretended, the integration in the square with its sculptures, landscaping elements, and also with the playful horseback riding for children, which was in a section of the square. Is precise the purpose of this kind of fountains, the embellishment of the public area was placed, apart from the game and fun, that with them is obtained.
In this installation, apart from the proper elements of the fountain, were integrate automatic dosing devices for the treatment of the water into the technical room, teams of leaked, with control of PH, and a water softener, so the water has an ideal treatment. In addition, the control of the fountain and its water games can be controlled by tablet computer, or governed through Internet route or Wifi, thanks to through installed optical fibre network. With this network, was installed a CCTV control camera, in order to be able to detect vandalism or malicious acts, even possible malfunction or mistakes in the fountain.